A303 Stonehenge DCO application

A303 Scientific Committee

Amesbury Museum Heritage Trust


ASLaN – Ancient Sacred Landscape Network

Avebury Society

Banton, Simon


Blick Mead Archaeology

  • Consultation – Objection here, 2018

British Museum

Campaign for Better Transport (formerly Transport 2000)

Campaign Timeline

Campaign Archive

Consortium of Conservation Bodies

  • STATEMENT AND VISION: press released 30 March 2006 by, in alphabetical order:
    • ASLaN – Ancient Sacred Landscape Network
    • CBA – The Council for British Archaeology
    • CPRE – The Campaign to Protect Rural England
    • FoE – Friends of the Earth
    • ICOMOS-UK – International Council for Monuments & Sites, UK
    • Prehistoric Society
    • RESCUE – The British Archaeological Trust
    • The National Trust
    • Transport 2000 – Now Campaign for Better Transport
    • WANHS – Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society (Wiltshire Museum)

Consortium of Stonehenge Experts

Construction trade updates: costs and contracts

  • New Civil Engineer
  • Highways Magazine
  • Build 
  • Construction News 

Council for British Archaeology (CBA)

CPRE – Campaign to Protect Rural England

DEFRA – Dept for Environment, Fisheries & Rural Affairs

  • Map: Magic Map Shows landscape designations, habitats, flooding areas, and areas of special protection

Department for Transport

English Heritage

  • See position and updates here

Fort, Tom

  • Further Reading: ‘The A303 Highway to the Sun’, 2012 Simon & Schuster.  Book based on journalist Tom Fort’s programme of the same name.  No longer available on iPlayer.

Fielden, Kate

Friends of the Earth

Gaffney, Vincent (et al “Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes” Project)

Goodwin, Phil

Hagyard, Tim

  • Article with summary – Respect Stonehenge: An alternative, 2021 A proposal for a package of traffic measures that should be trialled before considering an expensive and massively intrusive landscape intervention 

Heritage Journal, The

  • HJ – Home Search ‘Stonehenge’ for articles and sketches from 2014 to present

High Court

Highways England

  • See National Highways below

Historic England

History of the A303

Honouring the Ancient Dead (HAD)


International Petition

James, Alan

Keene, Suzanne

Kinnersly, Pat

  • Email: Response to redetermination, April 2022 Faced with a pre-determination to go ahead irrespective of responses, the objector included an anticipated proforma reply.

Maps, Images & Plans

Marshall, Tim

Media and Social Media

Moss, Dave

MPs’ Briefing

National Audit Office 

National Highways (formerly Highways England/Highways Agency)

N – Z Some material is missing, updating in progress.  Apologies for inconvenience.

Planning Inspectorate

Scientific Committee

  • See A303 Scientific Committee above


Stonehenge Alliance

Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site (Partnership)

Transport Action Network


Wiltshire Council

  • Public rights of way

World Heritage Watch




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