Stonehenge Alliance written representations, responses and rebuttals inserted

IMPORTANT NOTICE: 6 March 2024 – The Planning Inspectorate moved the A303 Stonehenge project documents to a new Beta website here.  Some URLs have changed.  Hyperlinks below are in the process of being updated.  

2023 – Secretary of State’s DCO Approval
2022 – Redetermination process
2021 – Legal challenge and Quashing of scheme
  • November 30 – Secretary of State’s Statement of Matters and invitation to the DCO Applicant to make further representations for the purposes of his re-determination of the scheme
  • October 27 – Chancellor’s spending review omits budget for A303 Stonehenge scheme – see media report
  • August 10 – Notice that the Transport Secretary will re-determine the DCO Application
  • July 30 – Scheme quashed: High Court judge rules against the Secretary of State’s decision to proceed with the scheme: judgment by The Hon. Mr Justice Holgate: Summary | Full
2020 – Examining Authority’s report and SoS’s Decision
2019 – Examination of draft DCO
  • 2019 Stonehenge Alliance submissions:

– Deadline 1 Submission (25 April 2019) – Suggestions for sites to include in itinerary for Accompanied Site Inspection on 21 May 2019

– Deadline 1 Submission (18 April 2019) – Highways England: Response to Stonehenge Alliance concerning missing information

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Introduction to Case

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 3 Alternatives Dr. Kate Fielden, BA, D.Phil. and George McDonic, MBE, BL, DIPLTP, DPA, FFB

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 4 Biodiversity, Biological Environment and Ecology Dr. Kate Fielden, BA, D.Phil., with advice of Tracé Williams, MSc., BSc.

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principle Issue 7 Flood Risk groundwater protection Dr George Reeves, CGeol, CEnv, PhD, MSc, BSc (Hons), FGS, FIMMM

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 9 Heritage and the Historic Environment Dr Kate Fielden, BA., D.Phil.

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 10 Landscape and Visual Aspects of the LVIA Andy Norfolk, MSc, Dip.L.A

– Deadline 2 Submission(3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 11 Noise and Vibration (Tranquillity) Clive Bentley, BSc (Hons), CEnv, CSci., MCIEH, MIEnvSc. MIOA

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 11 Vibration from tunnel boring Rupert Thornely-Taylor, FIOA

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Principal Issue 13 Transport Planning and Economics Issues Dr Simon Temple, BSc, MSc, D.Phil.

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019)- Written Representation on the Cultural Heritage Value Report Alan James, MA, BSc.

– Deadline 2 Submission (3 May 2019) – Written Representation on Concerns about consultation on the Scheme Dr Kate Fielden, BA, D.Phil.

– Deadline 3 Submission (from 22 May to 14 June) – Open Floor Hearings Tom HollandDr Simon Temple & Dr Kate Fielden and Dr Temple, Dr Fielden and Dr George Reeve

– Deadline 3 Submission – Summary of Open Floor Hearing on Climate Change Mike Birkin, Friends of the Earth

– Deadline 4 Submission (21 June) –  Our Summary of Oral Representations made at Specific Hearings and Further comments 

– For later submissions and correspondence with Examiners and Planning Inspectorate by the Alliance, please search ‘Stonehenge Alliance’ on the Planning Inspectorate’s Examination Library site

– 2019 Other mutual objectors:

  • Consortium of Archaeologists and the Blick Mead Project Team
  • Council for British Archaeology (CBA)
  • Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society
  • Avebury Society

 Examination process 

2018 Draft DCO application submitted
  • December 14 – Stonehenge Alliance to Jesse Norman, Minister of Transport: concerning limited registration period
  • December 8 – Registration of Interested Parties and submit Relevant Representation begins
  • November 16 – Planning application accepted by Planning Inspectorate.
  • October 19 – Draft DCO Application by Highways England received by the Planning Inspectorate
  • 2018 July 17 – August 14 Supplementary Consultation on minor alterations
  • 2018 June 5 – Westminster debate led by Alex Burghart MP
  • 2018 February 8 to April 23 – Statutory consultation on proposed scheme. Cost increases to £1.6bn.


2015/2016 – Route assessment

  • 2015-2016 – Route assessment and identification


  • 2014 – Scheme included in the Roads Investment Strategy. Budget cost £1.2bn.


  • 2013 – A303 feasibility study announced as part of the Autumn Statement
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