Dear Candidate, I have 3 questions for you…
An A level history student from near Stonehenge who has signed our petition was filmed this week asking all UK candidates to protect the Stonehenge World Heritage Site from further damage, rightly pointing out that
“This is my heritage! What message will you send to future generations?”
The three questions asked, that you might like to pose as well, are:
“If elected will you
- Strongly oppose any further damage to the Stonehenge WHS, especially from road building?
- Seek to strengthen protection for our WHSs through legislation?
- Argue for less damaging alternatives to road building
The General Election is your opportunity to quiz candidates and influence the decision not to turn the A303 through Stonehenge World Heritage Site into a 4-lane ‘expressway’ within one of the world’s most famous prehistoric landscapes.
The second question highlights the weakness of World Heritage Sites in the UK, which have no legal protection, unlike National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
Look out for hustings advertised in local papers and radio stations as well as their Facebook and Twitter feeds. They are not always well advertised so check out this crowd-sourced list of local hustings and search by constituency name.
All your candidates can be found by post code or constituency on the BBC election site here.
Let us know how you get on!
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