Can you write to the following members of government?

We are still researching Minister’s emails but the following suggestions ought to work, if only as forwarding addresses:

  • Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer: Complete the message form at the bottom of this page  | Or by post to 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA | If you are his constituent:
  • Culture Secretary, Lisa Nandy: email FAO Lisa Nandy, c/o  | If you are her constituent:
  • Transport Secretary, Louise Haigh: FAO of Louise Haigh, c/o | If you are her constituent:
  • The Future of Roads Minister, Lilian Greenwood: c/o | If you are her constituent:
  • Chancellor, Rachel Reeves: Complete the message form by pressing NEXT at the bottom of this page | If you are her constituent
  • Chief Secretary to the Treasury, Darren Jones: Complete the same message form by pressing NEXT at the bottom of this page | If you are his constituent
  • Or write to your newly elected MP here asking to forward your concerns to the above.  Mark URGENT!

In your own words please write a short email marked urgent that could include these points:

  1. Share your concern about the imminent threat the A303 Stonehenge road scheme poses to the World Heritage Site (WHS)
  2. You wish the new Labour government to listen to UNESCO’s concerns repeatedly expressed to the last government through reports, decisions and meetings
  3. Archaeological remains would be damaged and the landscape permanently disfigured
  4. UNESCO has recommended that the World Heritage Committee inscribe the WHS on the List of Sites in Danger
  5. The decision will be taken at its next meeting between 21st and 31st July
  6. The costs have escalated to at least £2.5bn, but estimates suggest it would be in excess of £3bn (probably more) by the time it is finished
  7. There are no plans to complete the rest of the bottlenecks along the A303 corridor
  8. What’s the point of the Labour government supporting a scheme that damages our most iconic WHS, risks our international reputation, wastes money that the country cannot afford, will generate more CO2, and doesn’t even achieve its transport objectives?
  9. Please cancel the scheme in time for the UNESCO meeting this month.

Other points:

– The  Stonehenge road and tunnel scheme has also been condemned by the Planning Inspectors, many eminent archaeologists and specialists, and over 239,000 petitioners world wide.

– The scheme makes no economic sense, costing more than it can ever deliver in benefits.

– Why spend billions on building roads to the South West when parts of our rail network are still only single track?

– We need to prepare our UK rail network for extreme weather events which will cost at least £2.8bn.

– The Climate Change Committee has advised a re-think on all major road proposals in the light of climate change and carbon emission reduction considerations.

– The scheme’s impact on biodiversity in the Stonehenge landscape is also worrying, especially for the disturbance of the rare Stone Curlew and the reintroduced Great Bustard.

We are always interested in replies you might receive.  Please email to SaveStonehenge (@) 

You can take action if you live outside the UK:

If you live outside the UK please consider writing to your country’s Culture Secretary /Ambassador in UK urging them to forward your concerns to the British Government.

Have you signed our International Petition?

THANK YOU for taking action!

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Thank you from three generations of campaigners!

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