Please add any points that reflect your personal view.

  • Permanent damage to the interconnectedness of monuments in a designed landscape;
  • Loss of archaeological heritage and its enjoyment by future generations;
  • Incompatibility with the World Heritage Convention and the vision of the World Heritage Site Management Plan for Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites;
  • Damage to the prehistoric landscape and impact on your present enjoyment of it;
  • Serious disruption to the nesting site of rare birds (stone curlew) during construction and operation of the new road;
  • Unknown impacts on wildlife and Rivers Avon and Till (Special Areas of Conservation);
  • Intrusion in the curtilage of a Grade I listed building of Amesbury Abbey and its Grade II C18 and C19 park and garden;
  • Loss of a famous view from the A303 enjoyed by millions every day;
  • Widening roads encourages new traffic leading to further congestion and air pollution;
  • Lack of convincing evidence of economic gains;
  • Reinvest £1.6bn on improving much needed rail access to the South West.

Here is a page of responses to the previous consultations.

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