PDF – Petition letter from Stonehenge Alliance to Transport Secretary
Chairman, George McDonic, MBE, BL, DIPLTP, DPA, FFB
From the Hon Secretary, Dr. Kate Fielden
The Rt. Hon. Grant Shapps, MP,
Secretary of State for Transport,
Great Minster House,
33 Horseferry Road,
London, SW1P 4DR.
Emailed on 9 November 2020 to transportsecretary@dft.gov.uk
Dear Secretary of State,
Petition concerning Stonehenge World Heritage Site: A303 Stonehenge
The Stonehenge Alliance petition (1) asks you, please, to ensure that there is no further damage to the archaeological landscape of Stonehenge such as the proposed A303 Expressway Scheme would cause.
We would like you to know that the petition has now reached well in excess of 125,000 signatures, far exceeding the c.50,000 signatures we handed in at 10 Downing Street on 19 February this year. This significant increase is in part owing to the major new archaeological find subject of your second post Scheme Examination consultation.
The road Scheme would irreparably scar the World Heritage Site and its setting, substantial archaeological evidence would be lost; and the landscape permanently modified to accommodate deep dual carriageway cuttings, twin tunnel portals, a flyover and a massive interchange. Furthermore, in view of the Scheme’s acknowledged low value for money and the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, notably from motor vehicles, we believe there are compelling reasons to reconsider.
Our petition shows world-wide condemnation of the project, with signatories from 147 countries abroad. Many give moving testimony to the value they place on the World Heritage Site for what it represents to mankind and to future generations.
Of the 2370 Relevant Representations to the Scheme Examination, 95.8% were objections, 2.9% expressed neutral views, and only 1.2% were in support of the Scheme.
Such is the concern of UNESCO that the World Heritage designation might be withdrawn.
We urge the Government to find other ways to tackle the traffic in the area that meet its obligations concerning the World Heritage Convention and climate change.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Kate Fielden
cc: The Prime Minister, Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
(1) Stonehenge Alliance supporter-organizations are: Ancient Sacred Landscape Network; Campaign to Protect Rural England; Friends of the Earth; Rescue, the British Archaeological Trust; and Transport Action Network. https://stonehengealliance.org.uk/
(2) The signatures come from two petition platforms: 38 Degrees for UK addresses and change.org for signatories from abroad. As of this morning, the total number of signatures on 38 Degrees was 115,477 and on change.org the total was 24,146. Owing to the Covid lockdown we are unable to present hard copies now but, should you wish it, we would be glad to send the relevant files of signatures to you.
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