From time to time we organise events or let supporters know of relevant events organised by others.  Please subscribe to our blogs and follow us on Twitter and Facebook. 

Consultation extended until Monday 23 April 2018

Highways England had to cancel two planned consultation events at Mere and Salisbury due to severe weather. To allow extra time to hold these, the formal consultation period has been extended to 23:59, Monday 23 April.

The new event at Mere will be held at Mere Lecture Hall (BA12 6HA), 14.00 to 20.00, Friday 13 April 2018.

The new event at Salisbury will be held at St Paul’s Church (SP2 7QW), 11.00 – 17.00, Saturday 14 April 2018.

Further information in the section below.

Timetable of Highways England A303 Stonehenge consultation events.  Other than one event in London on 8th March, all information events for this world famous World Heritage Site are in Wiltshire.

Plans and forms are also available in various locations including the following libraries in Wiltshire as well as County Hall in Trowbridge.

Can you join us? The A303 road plans by Stonehenge are disastrous for our premier World Heritage Site. Take action on Thursday 8 March, 1pm sharp.

This is the sole chance outside Wiltshire provided by Highways England to see an exhibition about what is planned for Stonehenge World Heritage Site.

Objectors can join us to say no and show their disgust at a press and photo shoot punctually at 1pm at the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London SW1J 0BE. Please try to be there!

The only other opportunity for people outside the immediate vicinity of the WHS and the A303 to see the plans exhibited is given to paying tourists and visitors at the Stonehenge Visitors’ Centre.

If you cannot make either the London event or any information event yet to take place in Wiltshire (listed below), please make sure you complete the consultation form on line. Visit our consultation page

The Highways information event will be open from 12 noon til 8pm.

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